since 2020


« carte d‘identité I  » 87 x 61 cm, pigment print, graphite, framed, 2023


« carte d‘identité IV  » 87 x 61 cm, pigment print, graphite, framed, 2023


« carte d‘identité I, II, III & IV » and « untitled », exhibition view, Parallel Vienna, 2023 


« eye on microscope on skin on eye on body on paper I »,
pencil and spraypaint on paper, 114 x 150 cm, 2021

photography and concrete

« eye on microscope on skin on eye on body on paper II »,
pencil and spraypaint on paper, 114 x 150 cm, 2021

 tierra_terreno  installation view

« eye on microscope on skin on eye on body on paper III »,
pencil and spraypaint on paper, 114 x 150 cm, 2021


« eye on microscope on skin on eye on body on paper I, II and III »,
exhibition view « Ten years later » Prevenhuberhaus, Weyer, 2023

 tierra_terreno  installation view

« cotton wool exposure IV », photo emulsion on cotton wool,
34 x 30 x 4 cm, framed, 2021


« burning/tattoo », tattoo, pigment print, 40 x 40 cm, framed, 2020


exhibition view « Eine gewisse Sprungbereitschaft* » (*dt. « a certain readiness to jump »)
Fotogalerie Wien Solo XIV, Bildraum 01, Wien, 2023


« Guadeloupe ≈ 3 sec », light on photo paper, 50 x 40 cm, framed, 2021, from the series « solar exposures »


« Lissabon I ~3 sec », light on photo paper, 50 x 40 cm, framed, 2021, from the series « solar exposures »


« Isla Saona I ~3 sec », light on photo paper, 50 x 40 cm, framed, 2021, from the series « solar exposures »


« sun on sand on textile on sun on snad on paper on water on sand », installation, UV print & cyanotype on textile, 146 x 198 x 250 cm, 2018-2020

sand exposure

from the series « sand exposure », pigment print, 34 x 44 cm, 2018-2020

sand exposure detail

from the series « sand exposure », cyanotype on paper, 21 x 30 cm, detail, 2018


 « moon drawings », pigment prints, 4 pc. à 23 x 15 cm, framed, 2023
Foto © Michael Michlmayr für FOTOGALERIE WIEN


exhibition view « Eine gewisse Sprungbereitschaft* » (*dt. « a certain readiness to jump »)
Fotogalerie Wien Solo XIV, Bildraum 01, Wien, 2023, Foto © Michael Michlmayr für FOTOGALERIE WIEN


« points aveugles », installation of photograms/chemigrams and pigment prints, 70 pc. à 20,3 x 25,4 cm, installation: 133 x 240 x 100 cm, 2023

drawing series

« points aveugles », detail, 2023

photo sequence

« NOON », artist book, exhibition view « Eine gewisse Sprungbereitschaft »
Fotogalerie Wien Solo XIV, Bildraum 01, Wien, 2023, © Michael Michlmayr für FOTOGALERIE WIEN

photo sequence

« NOON », artist book, 26 x 23 cm, 88 pages, 2023

installation view

« NOON », artist book, 26 x 23 cm, 88 pages, 2023

installation view
photo sequence

« NOON », artist book, 26 x 23 cm, 88 pages, 2023

photo sequence

« NOON », artist book, 26 x 23 cm, 88 pages, 2023

photo sequence

presentation display, book presentation « NOON », Prevenhuberhaus, 2023

photo sequence

« bridge performance exposure I », pigment print, alu dibond, 60 x 80 cm, 2020, courtesy: Ulrich Sperl

photo sequence

« bridge performance exposure II », pigment print, alu dibond, 60 x 80 cm, 2020, courtesy: Ulrich Sperl

bridge performance exposure installation view

 « bridge performance exposure », cyanotype on textile, 210 x 140 cm, 2020

photo sequence

« bridge performance exposure  », pigment prints, alu dibond, 80 x 60, 60 x 80 cm, 2020
exhibition view « off the river bank » 20gerhaus, 2021

seesaw drawing

« seesaw », pencil on paper, detail, 190 x 150 cm, 2020

set sail exhibition view

exhibition view « set sail », magdashotel im Stephanushaus, Vienna, 2020

shoot up to the moon

« shoot up to the moon », pigment print, 40 x 30 cm, 2020

shoot up to the moon

« shadow exposures series », pigment prints 3 pc 20 x 27 cm, 2018 -2020

shoot up to the moon

« shadow exposures » and « on-site shadow exposure »
exhibition view « the poiesis of composting », Exhibit, Vienna, 2021 - 2022

seesaw drawing

« shadow exposures », pigment prints, detail, 2018 - 2020

shoot up to the moon

« shadow exposures » and « on-site shadow exposure »
exhibition view « Weisses Rauschen », Fotogalerie Wien, 2021

shoot up to the moon

« shadow exposure I  », pigment print, framed, 60 x 80 cm, 2018 - 2020

shoot up to the moon

« shadow exposure II  », pigment print, framed, 60 x 80 cm, 2018 - 2020

shoot up to the moon

« shadow exposure II », 2018 - 2020
exhibition view « the poiesis of composting », Exhibit, Vienna, 2021/22


« on-site shadow exposure », production setting exhibition space, Exhibit Vienna, 2021/22


« on-site shadow exposure », pigment print, framed, 90 x 70 cm, 2021